Root Canals & Endodontics

Because of advances in dental technology and endodontic care, if you have a tooth with a diseased nerve, you have an option other than removal. Through a relatively simple root canal procedure, we can save your tooth and your smile!

What is the purpose of a root canal?

When a tooth is cracked or has a deep cavity, bacteria is able to enter the pulp tissue and cause an infection. If the diseased tissue is not removed, pain, swelling, abscess, damage to your jawbone and even more serious health issues can result. Without the proper care, your tooth will most likely have to be pulled. However, if you talk to our highly qualified team, we may be able to keep your tooth and smile intact by removing the infected pulp.

What are the signs that a root canal is needed?

Signs that you might need a root canal can include severe toothache, pain when chewing or when pressure is applied, swelling and tenderness in the surrounding gums. Be aware, not all teeth that require root canal therapy are painful. Sometimes, prolonged sensitivity to temperatures and a dark discoloration of the tooth are the only indicators of a deeper issue. If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact our office before the problem gets worse.

What happens during a root canal?

If we are able to save your tooth through a root canal, our careful dentists will remove the affected tissue, clean and seal the interior of the tooth and fill the area with dental composite A crown may be necessary if your tooth had extensive decay. Once the procedure is completed, your restored tooth should last a lifetime if you practice proper dental care.